Booking tickets
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Booking Tickets

Tickets can now be purchased online for any of our concerts
Just use the 'Buy Tickets' button on the concerts pages and you'll be taken through to TicketSource® for secure payment.

Want to reserve tickets and pay on the door?
We understand that some of our audience may prefer to reserve tickets in advance and pay at the door. No problem. To order tickets for any of our concerts, just drop us an email to the address below. Just tell us which concert you'd like to attend and how many tickets you require. One of us will be in touch to confirm your reservation as soon as we can.

Join the NCM Mailing List

Never miss a concert by signing up to the NCM Mailing List. Just drop us an email to the address below with your name and address and we'll keep you abreast of all upcoming concerts and special events. Joining the Mailing List is completely free :-)

How to reach us

For anything else drop us an email at:

and one of us will be in touch.